An old miner bot, Terminus is the mentor of D-16(Megatron) F-16(Banzaitron) and T-90(Drixco) amongst many other bots. A Sceptical bot, Terminus makes sure the younger miner are in check so the authorities don’t have to, and try to mould them into good bots. He’s also knows the gladiator Clench. History: Terminus was assumingly cold-constructed during the early days of the Nominus prime era(or late into the Guardian-Malignus war) and worked as a miner. He at somepoint became good friends with the Gladiator Clench, keeping some contact with him. He would mentor many young miners, his last three being D-16, F-16, and T-90.During Scrounge investigations which eventually lead him into rediscovering the infernocons, He went to the Mine Terminus worked in and question his mentee D-16 [ The Infernocons return ] He also assessed in the escape of D-16, F-16 and T-90 after catching them escaping, and was presumably shot dead by a Autotroopers a few moments later [ Escape of D...