
Independent from both Autobot and Decepticons, The Mercenary Faction rose at somepoint before the great war. Lead by it’s founder Soundblaster, the Mercenaries act like a company, allowing both Autobots and Decepticons to hire many assassins, soldiers, Bounty hunters and hitman’s.

The Mercenary faction arose from the desire to unify all of Cybertron’s assassins, soldiers, Bounty hunters and hitman’s under one guild by Soundblaster. Though started as a Bounty hunter grope, it expanded to many industries, including arms manufacturing and trade.

Their powerful enough to even control large portions of space.


The Mercenary faction was formed during the Sentinel prime era by Soundblaster to unify all assassins, soldiers, Bounty hunters, hitman’s, and other bots under one unified, legal faction to regulate them.

During the great war they heavily expanded in their trade, especially in the sales of Arms and other legal products, as well as selling energon to both sides(though the Autobots and Decepticons still hired them as bounty hunters).

Eventually they became a space fairing faction that de facto ruled certain areas of Cybertronian space, which usually was very prosperous compared to the rest of cybertronian space as both Autobots and Decepticons stood out of their way.

After the war ended they moved more towards trade and with the new Autobot government, got to keep some of it’s power in acceptance of the new government’s rule. And mostly operated as more as a company then a faction.


Their based on the Mercenary Faction



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