
A kind bot, Crossblades is one of few cybertronians from Eukaris to not possess a beast mode, an historian and enthusiast in weaponry, Crossblades has amounted a collection of ancient weapons from as far back as the Guardian-Malignus war.

Her relations with Optimus Primal is unknown.


Crossblades was forged during the sentinel prime era on the planet of Eukaris, unlike many of her neighbours, she adopted a helicopter mode instead of a beast mode. During her lifetime she amasses a small collection of old weapons.

Her name was mentioned when Transqueto tried to kill Optimus primal, but Transqueto failed[Trukk and Monky]


She's based on BW Crossblades

She shares her body type with Hepter, Graze, Blades, 
Vortex, Spinster, Alpha Bravo, Moonheart, Lunaclub, 
Swift, Flyup,  S
kyburst and Stormclash


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