
A clone of the Decepticon Leader Megatron, Megaplex was created by the mad scientist Jhiaxus in his quest of making a clone army for himself to start the cybertronian race a new. A kind and curious bot, Megaplex is the complete opposite of what Megatron had become, personality wise anyway.

He’s paired up with False Convoy.


Megaplex was cloned by Jhiaxus along with False Convoy and many others in the Hub, as seen after talking to rook[The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2 ]He was seen with False Convoy and Goldfire while Jhiaxus was talking to the Scavengers and an Autobot Unit lead by Highbrow.

He survived the destruction of The Hub when it blew up and went to a Space station[the scavengers vs Jhiaxus 2 of 2 ]


He's based on G1 Megaplex

He shares his bodytype with Jhiaxus, Megadeath and Regulus prime 



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