
An neo Autobot scientist(technically biologist) and explorer, Fractl is well know of his study of ecosystems of Alien worlds. This is useful, as it helped his commander Big Convoy adapt to surviving on earth, As it's still perilous for even advance species.

He may have a history with the Vok.


Fractl was forged during the rule of Itami prime and became a scientist, and visited a jungle world that lay in Vok space once. He was one of many bot's to be part of Big Convoys crew(that was sent to capture Magmatron) and got stuck on earth.

He was with his fellow crew mates when Naughtelious tried to assassinate Big convoy but failed, and was their to here her plea to free Break[Break's date night]


He's based on BW Fractl

He shares his bodytype with Terrorsaur and Hydra.

He turns into a Pterodactylus


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