
Flipsides believes she was once a teacher, and though she’s a kind bot, flipsides have a dark secret that even she’s in the dark from. In truth she’s a Decepticon Sleeper agent meant to spy on the Autobot unintentionally, which scared her when she found out.

She also has a fear of things with more than two legs.


Flipsides was cold constructed by the Decepticons during the great war and was programmed as a sleeper agent by them and was put into Autobot ranks. She made many friends and unknowingly feed this information to her creators.

The eventually came into the discovery of Starsaber base on Cybertron, which was besieged by Trannis. During the Siege she learned her true purpose, however she stayed loyal to her comrades, even after the Decepticons attempt to control her with built in brainwashing.

After that siege she was acquitted by the Autobots after finding this out, and she could be seen wandering the base as Hyperdrive thinks about her decision of joining the Autobots[spotlight Hyperdrive]


She’s based on G1 Flipsides

She shares her bodytype with Ambulon, Cannonball, Camshaft, Loader, Exocet and Roadmaster 


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