
Formerly a menial thug who later became a well-known assassin, Umbra is an notorious Mercenary. A crafty bot, Umbra is not a bot to usually mess with, even his fellow Mercenaries know not to mess with him, as he can easily silence you without much detection.

Like some bots, he has a weapon(pistol) alt-mode.


Umbra was forged during the Sentinel prime era and became a worked as a thug for a crime syndicate, however he eventually became a well-known assassin. During the great war he was recruited into the Mercenary faction by Soundblaster himself.

He and his two compatriots were hired by Straxus to kill Optimus prime, however he was killed(decapitated) by Optimus prime and Backbite surrendered briefly after they were defeated by the Autobot leader[assassination attempt]


He's based on G1 Umbra



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