
A bot created by Metroplex to protect him when he was in City mode. Slammer along with her twin brother and Six-gun, are the main full time crew of the ancient titan, Unlike her teammates she left to live a more civilian life, though She's still committed to her job.

She's believed to be able to combine with Metroplex to become a weapon for a battle tower in his city mode.


Slammer was forged during the ending days of the great war by Metroplex along with her sibling, She was one of many bot's to be part of Big Convoys crew(that was sent to capture Magmatron) and got stuck on earth.

She was with her fellow crew mates when Naughtelious tried to assassinate Big convoy but failed, and was their to here her plea to free Break[Break's date night]



She's based on G1 Slammer

She's shares her bodytype with: Drixco, Archforce, Eris, Blowback, Burnrate, Gridlock, Tankette and Megastorm.



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