While only nominally being a Decepticon by heritage and not really into the faction at best, Tyrannocon-rex is one of the few bots joining older factions rather then the Maximals and Predacons. Tyrannocon-rex is a bit adventurous by nature, always in the wrong place at the wrong time but doesn’t worry that much since she has been trained to defend herself by her father, who a bit overprotective. She often address as Tyra-Rex because her full name is a mouthful. History: Tyrannocon-Rex was born just after the Machine wars to Banzaitron and Razorsharp, her father trained her from a young age to defend herself for the day where he couldn’t help her. At one point she became a Decepticon like her parents. During the Uprising conflict she stayed a neutral on the planet New Keon with her parents. She was one of many bots to be part of big convoy team to track down Magmatron and she ended up on earth. She was talking to her father (who came for her safety) before she was going out to explore t...