
Out of all of Megatron zealots,  Lugnut is one of the most well know after Soundwave, He would lay down his life for Megatron in a extreme that most Zealots won't logically go to and always shows this to everybody, especially Starscream.

When it comes to brains Lugnut lacks, he not very smart and his loyalty is the only thing that stops him being a schemers pawn. However this is levelled with his legendary brawn he exerts on the battlefield.

Lugnut arms are built with a powerful weapon called the POKE


Lugnut was Cold constructed during the great war as a powerful soldier. He was raised to be completely loyal to Megatron and only him. He was Key to many Decepticon victories, He was one of Many Decepticons to be apart of the Nemesis.

He was apart of Soundwave crew when they tried to get the Nemesis out of Transwarp space in a second Decepticon ship and crashed on Earth in a place which would onw day become Germany, near Berlin[Stellar Oddesey]

He was reawaken during WW2 and he and some Decepticons allied with the Nazis to further their goals of finding the Nemesis.[WWII transformers 1 of 2]He was one off three to escape berlin after they lost the battle and finally reawaken Megatron in 1996.[WW2 transformers 2 of 2]

He was present when Megatron was showing of his Earth Alt-mode[Megatron's new body]And help Blackout Spy on Dobledealer and founded out Dobledealer was a Autobot. [To the moon].

when Deluge came to the Nemesis, He encountered her and interrogatively talked to her in a rude manner, however he was told off by Banzaitron before he left[Spotlight: Deluge]After the war he was imprisoned for not following Soundwaves regime by Soundwave, and records stated he died during the brief Machine wars.


He is based on TF 2010 Lugnut



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