
Bigblue is the Military general of Eukaris, Bigblue was assigned to protect Eukaris from the great war and consider it his Home world despite being born on Cybertron, and fells Eukaris is a more interesting place.

He is the son of the Autobot Ultra Magnus, which he hates due to his career the reason he and convoy separated.He has a live for organic life, even adopting a organic Alt-mode.

He is also the father of Big convoy and Ultra Mammoth. 


Bigblue was forged during zeta times in a hatchling form and was given to Ultra Magnus as a task toward his goal. As a young kid he was with his dad when his dad went to arrest chuffer. and was happy to find out that his parents were getting Married.[Ultra kid]

When his father became Magnus his parents separated and he had to move to Eukaris with his mother Convoy where Bigblue became a Military officer their, he also started a relationship with Stiletto.

At some point during sentinels final days in power he was with Primal and Convoybat (who were from Cybertron) when they were attacked by Transqueto and they defeated the rouge Predacon.[Trukk and Monky

At some point he Married Stellito and changed his Alt-mode from a tank to a Eukarisian Mammoth to in brace the new era in his life. He and his mother was mentioned by prime during his reflection about how Apex hasn't visited in a long time[Family reunion]

After the war he and Stellito raised the bots who became Big convoy and Ultra Mammoth. He was mentioned when Big convoy was reflecting his heritage with Lio prime and Kappa convoy [Neo beasts 2 of 3]


He is based on Blue Big convoy

His full name is Bigblue Pax



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