
Magmatron is the leader of a Predacon reform movement. Believing that the Predacons should be in Ghawnsteeth image, Magmatron's vows to reform society to his image seeing that Maximals and Maximals only are his enemies.

This is only half of the story and a partial lie, Magmatron know by only to few is actually a bitter Decepticon loyalist born during the great war, and he really wants to restart a new Decepticon empire in Megatron's image rather than Ghawnsteeth.

His mitotic spark allows him to divide himself into three alt- modes called Landsaur, skysaur and seasaur.


Magmatron was cold constructed during the Great War as a project by Shockwave. He became a general for the Decepticons and was loyal to Megatron and Doomshot. When the war ended he underwent the Maxicon upgrade and became a Predacon so he could one day use the faction to revive the Decepticon empire.

He stayed neutral during the uprising against Galva convoy. During the 40 years of following peace he built up a Terrorist organisation and left on the dinosaur to earth which was followed by Big convoy grope[War of beasts : rise of Lio convoy]

He was intercepted by Big convoy and crashed on earth which he attacked a human city but was thwarted by Big convoy and human organisations Acanoth and G.I.Joe. [Neo beast 1 of 1]He tried to use Naughtelious love for Break to get her to kill Big convoy when he found out they had a relationship but it failed and got attacked instead.[Breaks date night]

He built a giant transformer called Majin Zarak to conquer earth but was thwarted by Big convoy and Lio prime[Neo beasts 2 of 3]He later tried to reactive Trypticon but failed again and was arrested.

After that he died at some point in the next 20 years and a memorial was built in the Warlords museum, which Big convoy talked to while being in the place.[Neo beasts 3 of 3]


He is based on BWN Magmatron

Magmatron prehistoric alt-modes are the following:

Seasaur is a plesiosaurus

Landsaur is a Dilophosaurus

Skysaur is a Pteranodon


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