
The youngest of Optimus primes siblings, Aftershock was once a Decepticon before the war began. Not really dedicated to the Decepticon cause. She became a Autobot to be with her family which were Autobots.

Aftershock  is concerned for her friends and family and tries to support them if needed. She doesn't get along with Ultra Magnus that much but she can forget their sibling rivalry for other matters.

Aftershock can make quakes by stomping her feet, which is why she was in the Tremorcons during her Decepticon life.


Aftershock was born during Nominus era and was the youngest sibling for Orion Pax, at some point she married Dion who was her boyfriend at the time. She was in the Lacon library with Dion reading when Bumblebee was giving Windblade a tour of Cybertron[Spotlight Windblade]

At some point she became a Decepticon, it was also around this time she also had Noisemaze as her Daughter. When the great war began she wanted to leave the Decepticons which she got the chance by being captured by Dion.

Eventually she got the things needed to become one, and celebrated with Dion and Noisemaze.[Spotlight Dion]She would meet her nephew Apex after eons of his absence[Family reunion]

She and Dion tried to stop Skywarp from stealing some "Super Energon" but failed, while trying to stop Skywarp, she used "The Pax effect" to try and stop him, but he escaped in time using his outliner abilities[The Pax effect]


She takes her namesake from the G1 character of the same name

She shares her bodytype with Offroad and Starheart

Her full name is Aftershock Pax



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