
Showing posts from May, 2023


Though most members of the Gyronian Sentry are loyal to their prime, and thus currently the Autobots, Transit is the exception. Believing that Megatron should have been the next prime, transit supports the Decepticons against the (supposedly) false matrix bearer Optimus prime. As a Gyronian sentry, he has much training in melee combat. History: Transit was cold constructed during the early Nominus prime era and was a member of the Gyronian sentry, though originally loyal to the primes, he started seeing Megatron as the rightful heir to the Matrix of leadership, causing Transit to join the Decepticons instead. he was discussing his past as a Gyronian Sentry while having lunch with Pyton before Darknova attacked them [ Attack on Charr ] Notes: He’s named after  ROTB Transit He shares his bodytype with the Gyronian sentry and Scarr  


To say that Charger doesn’t have an obsession with fire  is like saying stars don’t glow. Though Charger can come off as a Pyromaniac. Charger is actually a reliable soldier in battle. Her obsession dose lead her to possess flamethrowers. She also has a powered up mode to. History: Charger was cold constructed during the great war for Cybertron and was a scout before becoming a main combatant. During this time  she developed an obsession with flamethrowers. She was with Dispensor while Darknova Attacked Charr and somehow knew he was a Vok as she told Pyton so[ Attack on Charr ] Notes: She’s based on G1 Charger She shares her bodytype with Decimus, Twincase, Dobleclutch, Roadtrap and Velocity  


Usually seen guarding important Decepticon items, Loader seems to be your typical grunt. Pretty much the equivalent of an Introvert on earth. Loader would rather be in stasis then interact with people, however this doesn’t really extent to his duties. No, he isn’t Payload, even though he has purple everywhere. History: Loader was forged during the Zeta prime era and became a Decepticon early on in his life. He was one of many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis while it was trying to find the Allspark. During that time he was guarding the weapons room of the Decepticons. He was apart of cruellock group who explored Cobatron during their adventure of finding the allspark [ Stellar Oddesey ] He was with Frontloader when he was locating a strange energy signature on the island Mesozoic ranch was on when he was chased away by Scorn in his new Spinosaurus alt-mode [ Spotlight Scorn ] Notes: He’s based on DOTM Loader He shares his bodytype with Ambulon, Cannonball, Camshaft, Exocet, flipsides a...


Perhaps the youngest crewmember of the Nemesis, Frontloader has a similar problem to Skybyte. While she doesn’t need the approval of her leaders, her ultimate desire is to impress them and be one of the liked soldiers on the Nemesis. Ironically this is working in her favour. History: Frontloader was cold constructed during the great war era and was one of the many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis when it crashed on earth while finding the Allspark. She was with Loader when she was locating a strange energy signature on the island Mesozoic ranch was on when he was chased away by Scorn in his new Spinosaurus alt-mode [ Spotlight Scorn ] She was at the Library with Brail when Brail was looking for the Gobots [ Transformers V Gobots ] Notes: She’s named after WFC Frontloader Her design is inspired from the cancelled G2 G.I.Joe/Transformers crossover transformer Her alt-mode is a fusion of a G.I.Joe  APC  and the aforementioned crossover TF


Though once a loyal member of the Autobot cause, Thrustinator now seeks revenge against the Autobots(and Bumblebee) through the Decepticons. Though he has the training of a good scout, Thrustinator ever growing mania has slowly crippled him. The Decepticons don’t trust him too much though. History: Thrustinator was forged during the Zeta prime era and during the great war was a scout, however on a mission with bumblebee something happened to accidently leave Thrustinator for the dead, however the Decepticons found him, wanting revenge on Bumblebee, he joined their ranks. After the war he and Bugbite boarded the Ark to try and escape an Insecticon Swarm along with Bugbite [ Mystery of Mainframe ] Notes: He’s based on Animated Wasp He shares his bodytype with  Lightfoot, Steve, Jazz, and Ricochet  


In an age where outliers are more or less extinct, Tigerhawk is one of the few Cybertronians who still possesses outlier abilities. Able to manipulate energy, levitate, teleport(and even possible time travel) Tigerhawk is possible one of the most powerful outliers around. Tigerhawk main concern is the safety of the life around him, acting as an on an off protector. It’s unknown where his powers come from, however it is believed that exotic Vok technology may had a hand in the emergence of his outlier abilities. He’s also a fuzor. History: Tigerhawk was born in the Itami prime era on the planet Eukaris and at somepoint developed his outlier abilities, over time he trained his powers so he could control it better and would on and off protect the people around him if major trouble ever came. He once apprehended Thundertron while he tried to attack Polyhex [ Revenge of Baron Karza ]  Notes: He’s based on BW Tigerhawk  


Most Cybertronians who are  incredibly fast are usually Velocitronian or flyers, however Airhammer is mostly in the latter category. As fast in the air as she is in the sea. Airhammer strange alt-mode allows her to reach speeds just as fast as her wheeled counterparts. Unlike many speedsters, Airhammer is more obsessed with history then speed. History: Airhammer was forged during the Itami prime era on Eukaris and immigrated to Cybertron just after the Andromeda war, where she worked as a Historian. She started dating the Predacon flytrap at somepoint, which his parents approved of. She was seen on a date with Flytrap while her parents had a meeting with the Gobots[ Transformers V Gobots ]she laters gets married to Flytrap [ Revenge of Baron Karza ] Notes: She’s based on G1 Airhammer  


Despite being aa large cybertronian who’s armed with potent weapons, Roadfire is better described as a gentle giant, though as a leader on Combatron leads you to be a powerful warrior, Roadfire tries to pursue the more peaceful option, not because he’s weak, but because he likes peace. He’s still an intimidating being to meet. History: Roadfire was born on Combatron during the mid sentinel prime era on Combatron and eventually became one of the leaders on the planet around the time of the great war for Cybertron, he would talk to Metalhawk after Gallows and Guillotine escaped Combatron  [ Stellar Oddesey ] Notes: He’s based on G1 Roadfire He shares his bodytype with Treadrook, Brail, Leyland and Rollbar


A native of Gigantion, Stratosphere acts as a transport for the crewmembers of the Ark. Though he never formerly was part of the great war before meeting Optimus, Stratosphere is loyal to the Autobot cause, even when he found out Optimus was responsible for losing the Allspark. He’s also good friends with the Autobot Sureshot History: Stratosphere was forged on Gigantion during the great war and lived with his people with relative peace, When the Autobots of the Ark arrived on Gigantion he was eventually convinced to join the crew, even after he got stuck on earth because of it [ Stellar Oddesey ] He flew Scorn to  Mesozoic ranch to identify the strange energy signal there, and complimented Scorn when he took on a new alt-mode [ Spotlight Scorn ] Notes: He’s named after ROTB Stratosphere


Growing up in a time of relative peace, Wheelie is quite Naïve about the universe around him. Like any young individual, Wheelie usually sees the best in people. He also doesn’t understand the divisions between factions even though said division aren’t as potent as they were before. He also likes to rhyme History: Wheelie was forged during the Amazon prime era of Cybertron and  was quite Naïve about the world around him. Notes: He’s based on a fusion of G1 Wheelie and ROTF Wheelie  


If the Guardian-Malignus war had Jetfire, then the Great wat had Skyfire. Originally a Decepticon early on in his life. Skyfire defected to the Autobots after Technoist and expansionism spread through the Decepticon ideology, something he despised. As powerful as his contemporary Jetfire, Skyfire is a powerful adversary to meet on the battlefield. Despite this he rather work in the engineering lab, helping design new alt-modes for his allies to transform into, out of many things the engineering division design. He is also an old friend of Starscream and is one of the few bots who respect Starscream beyond being an Air commander. History: Skyfire was forged during the mid Nominus prime era and during his youth was an old friend of Starscream. During the war he was initially a Decepticon before he defected to the Autobots as he opposed the Technoist ideas circulating around. He would become a member of the Autobot engineering division, designing new alt-modes(amongst other things) for hi...


A member of the Lightning Strike Coalition, Scarr is probably their most skilled Melee combatant, though he now carries the bodytype of the Melee Autobot Heavy troopers, Scarr himself is a former member of the Gyronian sentry, where he picked up all of his skills from. He also the hear of security on Garrus 9 History: Scarr was forged during the Early Zeta prime era and was originally trained as a Gyronian Sentry, at somepoint he was recruited to become a member of the Lightning strike coalition and during the great war reformatted his bodytype to be of a Melee Autobot Heavy troopers variant. He was with Scorn during the battle of Vos where he fought Munitia, Cloudcover, Retrofit and Heavywait [ Spotlight Scorn ]He later was stationed on Garrus 9 as head of security. Notes: He’s based on IDW Skar   He shares his current bodytype with Autobot heavy troopers, Carnavec and Abacus He shared his first bodytype with the Gyronian Sentry and Transit


The main ship Navigator of the Autobot ship known as the Ark. Cog is often what humans call “the wet blanket” when involved in discussion. Though he loyal to the Autobot cause,  Cog scepticism in his higher up actions happens quite often. He also sceptics on the existence of many things. History: Cog was cold constructed during the great war for Cybertron and eventually was incorporated into the crew of the Ark as they left Cybertron for the Allspark. During his time on the Ark he earned a reputation for being sceptic about his higher ups actions. He talked to Itami while both on Gigantion and Junkion, and later was one of the few bots still active while stuck in transwarp space, he was one of the last to go into stasis after crashing on earth [ Stellar Oddesey ] Notes: He’s based on G1 Cog He shares his bodytype with Hoodwink and Comms-officer


Though she used to be a Decepticon, Ambulon is currently a member of the Autobot medical division. A shy bot per say, Ambulon had a rough history when she was previously parts of the experiments which would led up to Operation: Combination. She also hates and fear Shockwave and Lazerwave(for various reasons). History: Ambulon was cold constructed during the early great war for Cybertron, during her early life she used to be a Decepticon before being experimented on(to create a combiner) sometime before the official Operation Combination took place by Shockwave and Lazerwave. This caused her to escape and defect to the Autobots, where she retrained as a medic. Notes: She’s based on IDW Ambulon She shares her bodytype with Camshaft, Loader, Cannonball, Flipsides, Exocet and Roadmaster  


Despite being well verse as a poet, a scholar, a brilliant and cultured military commander. Skybyte flaw is that he near-constantly needs approval from his hire ups leaves him in a lower rank then he deserves, despite this he is actually very  intelligent and physically powerful for his rank. If only he didn’t pushes himself to extremes to impress his higher ups. History: Skybyte was forged during the early Sentinel prime era and was a poet until he joined the Decepticons. Though his qualification allowed himself to become a field commander, his near-constant need for approval kept him from being promoted further. He was at the Library with Brail when Brail was looking for the Gobots [ Transformers V Gobots ] Notes: He’s based on RID2001 Skybyte He shares his bodytype with Redstar, Starquest and Gideon  


Once a high ranking member of Trannis army, Takeoff is now an admiral within the Decepticon space navy. Believing that  superiority in the air will ultimately lead to victory on the battlefield.  Her loyalty to the Decepticon makes her quick to act in battle. She’s rumoured to also have been Trannis lover. History: Takeoff was forged during the late Zeta prime era of Cybertron and during the great war joined the Decepticons and became a high ranking member of Trannis army(rumoured to also became a lover of Trannis as well). After Trannis died she eventually became an admiral in the Decepticon space navy. She was at the Library with Brail when Brail was looking for the Gobots [ Transformers V Gobots ] Notes: She’s based on G1 Takeoff She shares her bodytype with Gallows and Aimless  


A member of the Micronauts, Biotron is the groups muscle(and sometimes land transport). Though he  a simple mechanoid from Microspace, Biotron shares many characteristics with the Cybertronian race, being able to use the power Chimera to turn into a vehicle. He may had a piolet once, we don’t know. History: Biotron was created in Microspace and apparently was a simple Mechanoid with a piolet of some sort. By the time he was recruited to the Micronaut cause, he was already independent from organic assistance and had leaned to use the power Chimera to transform on his own. He was mentioned By Baron Karza while he monologued to himself in prison [ Stellar Oddesey ] [ Revenge of Baron Karza ] Notes: He’s based on IDW Biotron  


A member of the Star seekers, Thunderlane is the pirate faction cook and bard. Perhaps the third most senior member of the group, Thunderlane certainly has many stories to tell the younger crew members about, and she has earned the respect of Thundertron as well. She also turns into a Twin cannon DALST tank. History: Thunderlane was forged during the early Zeta prime era on a cybertronian colony, at somepoint she joined Thundertron Star seekers and became their Energon cook and bard, and at a later date somehow scanned a Twin cannon DALST tank as an alt-mode. She gave her leader some energon so he would stay healthy(before he encountered Baron Karza), and was their when he pulled of his scheme of sending the Ark and Nemesis into Transwarp space[ Stellar Oddesey ] Notes: She’s named after Wings universe Thunderlane She shares her bodytype with Octus, Trannis, Flytrap, Ultra Major, Firecrest, Hydrau and Upkeep


Despite being the template of what would become the Vehicons, Steve was never a Decepticon himself(or looked like a Vehicon). He was a Malignus scout during the Guardian-Malignus war and gained popularity as a war hero despite not wanting to be one. He currently works under Octus, helping him with his research. History: Steve was forged during the Guardian-Malignus war and became a scout, During the war he would earn fame as a war hero(despite not wanting to be one) he became popular after the war. During the great war he began working with Octus for his various studies. Later he would be at a dig site on one of Szoria's moons when he found a Doorway which hid away the warren pillar[ Spotlight: Octus ] Notes: He’s based on RID2015 Steve He shares his bodytype with Jazz, Thrustinator, Lightfoot and Ricochet  


A member of Squadron X, Redstar(at the time) was one of the few Space worthy Malignus around. Though her flying skills are somewhat reckless, they were good enough to get onto Macabre team, acting both as a backup fighter and a recon scout. She also has loyalties to Octus. History: Redstar was forged during the late Guardian prime era and joined the Malignus before the war. During the war she was a soldier under the triumvirate command until her flying skills(though reckless) allowed her to be put on Squadron X, where she acted as the backup fighter and the recon scout. Later she would be at a dig site on one of Szoria's moons when she and Morsa found a fossil, They also tried to get the Warren Pillar back from Death head along with Octus but failed despite her best efforts.[ Spotlight: Octus ] Notes: She’s based on G1 Redstar She shares her bodytype with Skybyte, Starquest and Gideon