
A member of the Star seekers, Thunderlane is the pirate faction cook and bard. Perhaps the third most senior member of the group, Thunderlane certainly has many stories to tell the younger crew members about, and she has earned the respect of Thundertron as well.

She also turns into a Twin cannon DALST tank.


Thunderlane was forged during the early Zeta prime era on a cybertronian colony, at somepoint she joined Thundertron Star seekers and became their Energon cook and bard, and at a later date somehow scanned a Twin cannon DALST tank as an alt-mode.

She gave her leader some energon so he would stay healthy(before he encountered Baron Karza), and was their when he pulled of his scheme of sending the Ark and Nemesis into Transwarp space[Stellar Oddesey]


She’s named after Wings universe Thunderlane

She shares her bodytype with Octus, Trannis, Flytrap, Ultra Major, Firecrest, Hydrau and Upkeep


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