
Usually seen guarding important Decepticon items, Loader seems to be your typical grunt. Pretty much the equivalent of an Introvert on earth. Loader would rather be in stasis then interact with people, however this doesn’t really extent to his duties.

No, he isn’t Payload, even though he has purple everywhere.


Loader was forged during the Zeta prime era and became a Decepticon early on in his life. He was one of many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis while it was trying to find the Allspark. During that time he was guarding the weapons room of the Decepticons.

He was apart of cruellock group who explored Cobatron during their adventure of finding the allspark[Stellar Oddesey]He was with Frontloader when he was locating a strange energy signature on the island Mesozoic ranch was on when he was chased away by Scorn in his new Spinosaurus alt-mode[Spotlight Scorn]


He’s based on DOTM Loader

He shares his bodytype with Ambulon, Cannonball, Camshaft, Exocet, flipsides and Roadmaster



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