
In an age where outliers are more or less extinct, Tigerhawk is one of the few Cybertronians who still possesses outlier abilities. Able to manipulate energy, levitate, teleport(and even possible time travel) Tigerhawk is possible one of the most powerful outliers around.

Tigerhawk main concern is the safety of the life around him, acting as an on an off protector. It’s unknown where his powers come from, however it is believed that exotic Vok technology may had a hand in the emergence of his outlier abilities.

He’s also a fuzor.


Tigerhawk was born in the Itami prime era on the planet Eukaris and at somepoint developed his outlier abilities, over time he trained his powers so he could control it better and would on and off protect the people around him if major trouble ever came.

He once apprehended Thundertron while he tried to attack Polyhex[Revenge of Baron Karza


He’s based on BW Tigerhawk



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