
Showing posts from September, 2021


Being the Autobot language specialist, Glyph can decode most languages. She helps the Autobot cause by decoding the languages of the aliens of the world they go to so they can communicate with them. Glyph is not the social type, yes she likes having friends but would rather read all day in a library then going out for a drink, this allows her to practise her skills but doesn’t win many friends that much. She also in a relationship with Tapout History: Glyph was forged during the Sentinel era of Cybertron and graduated as a language analyser, during the great war she would be used multiple times to decipher alien languages on missions when they needed to. She was one of three Autobots under Highbrow command(the other two was Tapout and Adronitia) as they had to team up to defeat Jhiaxus and his clone army.[ The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2  ][ the scavengers vs Jhiaxus 2 of 2  ]After the war she was seen being with Tapout as Nightracer talked with Minerva.[ spotlight Ni...


Sata was the best friend of Auxin and his personality opposite within the Solstar order. She uses her four arms to her advantage as she can kill many more Dier wraiths then other knights. She also used to bully Star drive. History: She was one of many new recruits that was in Stardrive class.[ Mystery on the Mountain ]She became friends with Auxin and started bullying Stardrive, she was one of many space knights to accompany Rom to a planet and found out about the true nature of the Cybertronians, which she saw Stardrive leave the Jedi order.[ Truth to Stardrive ] She was stationed on a space station with Auxin for another Tiresian-Intruder conference, She had a talk with Auxin about why this talks were necessary and managed to somewhat convince him that they were necessary, before going on to talk about a mission to Prysmos Plor went to so he could defeat Xeldynn[ Reasons for Peace ] Many years later she accompanied Auxin to another planet where they rediscovered Stardrive an...


A clone of the Autobot known as Bumblebee, Stinger is an advancement when it come to bumblebee in many ways, yet he's still very flawed, having different flaws which Bumblebee doesn't possess. Stinger also both the second in command of Galvatron's Decepticons and  the  husband of the Decepticon Widowmaker. History: Stinger was one of many clones made on the Hub and would have been one of Jhiaxus  infantry troops if not reprogrammed before activation by Hatchet and Adronitia[ The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2 ][ the scavengers vs Jhiaxus 2 of 2 ] before helping both the Autobots and cons to escape from Jhiaxus. During the great war he fell in love with fellow clone Widowmaker and got married. After the war he became Galvatron's second in command within the Machine wars. During the  Battle of Aridom he questioned the Autobot Itami before lending the questioning to Galvatron.[ Machine wars- rise of Itami prime ] Notes: Stinger is ...

Nominus prime

The founder of the Autobot Movement, Nominus prime was a revolutionary leader for his time during the Malignus-Guardian war, becoming a better alternative to the Malignus and guardians and ushered a Dynasty that ruled for hundreds of millions of years. Nominus is the Autobot version of  the later Megatron, he's politically corrupted and only cares about the rich. He was the main reason why the Decepticon movement started in the first place. He dose have some achievements, like healing Cybertron from the  Malignus-Guardian  war and started an expansion which colonised many planets. History: Nominus was forged in guardian times as the younger brother of Cognive. Unlike his brother he studied politics rather then become a knight. When the  Malignus-Guardian  war began he started the Autobot movement of hopes to conquer Cybertron after the war ended. He gave Deltaseeker her Autobot insignia after she joined her Autobots. [ Guardian,Malignus and A...


Thunderblast a first is often misunderstood as a female-fatale but that's not the case. She has been a failed romantic for millions of years who tries to get into a relationship with other bots for the hope of settling down. A new tactic she developed was to become the mistress of powerful Decepticons. It fails usually but maybe she taking the wrong approach when it comes to finding love. Their is somebody out their who likes her. She’s also the sister of Elita 1 History: Thunderblast was born in early Nominus times as the twin sister of Elita 1 and was born to Diac and Alata. When she was a teenager she moved to Aquatron to study at a Female boarding school their. At some point she joined an Anti-functionist grope who then joined the Decepticons. During the great war she went through many relationships with many strong Decepticons until she met shortround and eventually married him. After the great war ended she travelled to Caminus to reconnect it with Cybertron and was...


One of the more peculiar looking constructicons and and around the 4th largest of them, Hightower is one of the more specialised of  the constructicons. Able to lift large objects over tall heights using his tail arm. Hightower is also one of the most Intimidating within the Constructicon ranks, I mean you would be scared of a saurian looking Decepticon with a claw on his tail arm and treads for feet. Well that's true for tiny organics. He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator. History: Hightower was cold constructed as a construction class during the middle Zeta era as one of the last cybertronians with his bodytype. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons. Assumingly during the Great war he got involved in the combiner project along with his teammates.  He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster [ Spotlight Grimlock ] He was one of the Many Decepticons to...


  Mixmaster second in command and oldest friend, Scrapper is the most likely candidate to replace Mixmaster if he would die. Though he wouldn't really since he considers Mixmaster his brother in arms. Scrapper is a brawler type, even before joining the Decepticons he outfitted his hand to have both a flail and a claw.He’s not the girl type or the type to drink much Energex, preferring to build and do his job. He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator. History: Scrapper was cold constructed as a construction class during the early Zeta era and became close friends with Mixmaster. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons. Assumingly during the Great war he got involved in the combiner project along with his teammates.  He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster [ Spotlight Grimlock ] He was one of the Many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis to find the Allspark and got stuck on...


Brother of Demolisher, Scavenger is less well know of his body-type despite being higher in rank, Like his brother he make a human sized organic a small beetle towards him. He know to be the second biggest Constructicon. Like hiss brother he also high in Decepticon ranks. but unlike Demolisher he reports to Megatron; not Straxus. He takes his size to his advantage and crush any small autobot in his way. He’s not as invincible as you think because you can do sustainable damage to him. He might be big but that doesn’t make him that strong. History: Scavenger was Born as a construction class during the Late Nominus era with is brother Demolisher. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons he joined because of his loyalty to Mixmaster. Assumingly during the Great war he got involved in the combiner project along with his teammates.  He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster [ Spotlight Grimlock ] He was one of the...

Long haul

Most constructicons are contempt with just building and not getting to action when its not needed, that’s not the case with Long haul. From the day he was built he wanted to be a soldier, fighting to defend the commonwealth from threats, unfortunately he was cold constructed in a time of a cast system, so it didn’t come to pass. Long haul happy he at least see’s more action as a Decepticon, yes he still haves to build as a member of the Constructicons and yes he carries all their equipment but still at least he can get some action. He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator. History: Long haul was cold constructed as a construction class during the Late Nominus era despite wanting to be a soldier. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons he joined to see some action. Assumingly during the Great war he got involved in the combiner project along with his teammates.  He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormast...


The Largest of the Constructicons, Overload is one of the more scarier looking member of the group. It's not his fault, he was built that way since it was useful for him to have Multiple limbs, maybe he shouldn't have four legs though. Overload can do many of Longhaul's menial tasks like carrying heavy object and store the gropes weapons when they are not using them but his main purpose is to help carry very large materials which usually other bots can't do. He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator. History: Overload was cold constructed during the Nominus era as a member of the construction cast. He's was seen with Rampage saying hello to Bumblebee as they waited for tickets for a Gladiatorial match.[ Spotlight Windblade ] He became a close member of Mixmaster team before joining the Decepticons during the Zeta  prime era, during the great war he sighed up for the combiner project.  He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster...


Rampage is one of the more violent and more agile members of the Constructicons. Yes he has a tail instead of legs, yes he has treads attached to his arms and yes his bodytype is mostly used by Autobots but that doesn't stop him from being a deadly foe. Unlike most Decepticons he doesn't hate organics and is actually fascinated by them. He's more content with building structures for Megatron then killing or fighting. Unless he has to he won't usually kill his enemies He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator. History: Rampage was cold constructed during the Nominus era as a member of the construction cast along with his brother Skipjack. He's was seen with Rampage saying hello to Bumblebee as they waited for tickets for a Gladiatorial match.[ Spotlight Windblade ] He became a close member of Mixmaster team before joining the Decepticons during the Zeta prime era, during the great war he sighed up for the combiner project.  He was seen had having a lunch b...


  The medic of the grope, Scrapmetal is dedicated in fixing his massive companions whenever they break down and is one of three medics on the Nemesis either then Moonheart and Knockout, but he’s specialised for his teammates.  Scrapmetal is the second smallest construction, only being outcompeted by Dirtboss who is a Minicon and not a Macromaster. Despite sounding tiny he’s actually very large, around the size of an average truck-former, he is an Constructicon, and those guys are very large. Unlike his teammates he can’t form with them to become devastator, he’s to small. History: Scrapmetal was cold constructed as a construction class medic during the early Zeta era. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons he joined to as a Decepticon Medic. Assumingly during the Great war he kept the constructicons fit and healthy as they went battle to battle. He had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster [ Spotlight Grimlock ] He wa...


A member of the seekers, Redwing is what you expect about any member of the Decepticon air force, extremely skilled in flying in both Tetrajet mode and bot mode, armed with null rays and really loyal to Starscream. Redwing is just an average Decepticon, no ambition and just fine in her position as a low ranked Decepticon. She sometimes does important jobs like being an inspector for Decepticon facilities but that’s just it. She’s the twin sister of Nacelle, another seeker. History: Redwing was born during the zeta prime era with her twin sister Nacelle before growing up as a seeker. During the great war she inspected a Hatchling facility and stumbled upon the Opticlone cloning lab before asking to leave by Lazerwave, but not before being told about the project.[ Opticlone conspiracy ] At some point during the war she was captured by Autobot forces and thrown into prison. She was seemed flirting with Dreadwind, who the Autobot guard was told off for flirting with Dreadwind[ Orthia vs se...


Bonecrusher can be described by one word, Hate. All Bonecrusher feels is hate, he hates everything, absolutely almost anything you can find he will hate. He even hates Megatron and his Decepticons but he hates Autobots more. Bonecrusher is one of Megatron's tacticians on earth, nothing of the likes of Onslaught or Grindor but very effective at planning. He can put aside his hate of everything to make  surprisingly effective strategies to win battles. He dose like movies and surprisingly Hatchlings and pets, guess he dose love stuff. History: Bonecrusher was cold constructed during the great war and was made as a tactician. He was one of many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis and got stuck on earth. He helped Barricade steal plutonium for shockwave[ Nuclear theft ] Notes: He's based on Movie Bonecrusher he shares his bodytype with Shrapnel   

Blast off

A long time ago, Blast off was an Autobot soldier in charge of the Combaticons special forces team within the elite guard. Then he got fired and his team felt betrayed, so they joined the Decepticons for revenge. Blast off is the grope’s space battle member, being specially trained and equipped for space battles. Legend said he can accurately kill somebody from the stratosphere of a planet though this is uncertain. He dose love to stay in space, finding it fascinating. He can combine with his teammates to form Bruticus. History: Blast off was cold constructed during Nominus times, for millions of years he served the Autobot elite guards with his team until they fired them for some reason, in which they joined the Decepticons in retaliation.  During the war he and his team gained the ability to combine into Bruticus during Operation: combination from Banzaitron.  During the ensuring battle against the Autobots, Bruticus cornered some Autobots(and Elita team) With Menasor, b...


A long time ago, Vortex was an Autobot soldier inn charge of the Combaticons special forces team within the elite guard. Then he got fired and his team felt betrayed, so they joined the Decepticons for revenge. Vortex is the crazy one of the bunch, one minute he flirts with a girl the next moment he's dropping somebody from the sky to their deaths or scorching entire enemy camps. He's very caring about his brother Spinster and is more closer to him then his teammates. He can combine with his teammates to form Bruticus. History: Vortex was born during Nominus times with his brother spinster, for millions of years he served the Autobot elite guards with his team until they fired them for some reason, in which they joined the Decepticons in retaliation. During the war he and his team gained the ability to combine into Bruticus during Operation: combination from Banzaitron.  During the ensuring battle against the Autobots, Bruticus cornered some Autobots(and Elita team)...


Doomshot scientist, Lazerwave is considered the son of Shockwave, though tell you the truth many bots can claim this. He’s a clone of his father genetically altered to have an extra pair of arms. Lazerwave takes this with pride and became a scientist himself. Lazerwave is dramatically different in personality to shockwave, while Shockwave a sociopath who doesn’t express much emotion Lazerwave express it to a degree that people hate him for being too rude. He wants to take his sister Flashbeam’s brain for her knowledge stored their pre-birth, sort of creepy. History: Lazerwave was cloned by shockwave during the great war and used learning tech to become a scientist. He was mentioned by Doomshot when he was fighting Roterstorm and was telling him about his past.[ Tank vs chopper ] At some point he became in charge of the Opticlone project, he told off Motorbreath and Redwing for coming to the Opticlone cloning lab before telling them to leave but not before telling them about the Opticlo...


Toxitron is a very misunderstood Decepticon when you first meet him. Though it’s true he suffers from a condition where he secrets an oily substance which smells he actually very reliable to complete small time tasks. He has some training as a marksman and knows how to use some weapons and has a normal level of Understanding, better than others. He isn’t very discriminative or prejudice to many other cybertronians who are usually discriminated against since he’s also a victim to Prejudice. Many cons undermine this about him since one of his weapons is a giant plunger, but those who take time to know him value his friendship. History: Toxitron was forged during the great war, he spent much of his time in the sea of rust before joining the Decepticons, who he made friends with, real friends. He was one of many cons to be on the Nemesis and got stuck on earth. He was spotted by Livia as he drove on a highway with a  weapons vault disguised as a oil tank, and confirmed the cybertronian...

Optimus Primal

A space captain at heart but also a leader, Optimus primal is the leader  of a Maximal explorer vessel from Eukaris before being sent to capture a Predacon terrorist grope and he ended up on earth.  Optimus primal is similar to his similar named counterpart Optimus prime, usually noble and wants to preserve life of all forms. Primal dose make mistakes but who doesn't make mistakes?   He also turns into a monkey, gorilla to be exact. Get him to audition for King Kong! History: Optimus primal was forged on Eukaris during the sentinel era and he became a military officer. He was  sent on a mission with Bigblue and Convoybat  where they had to fight  Transqueto. He didn't play much in the war, becoming a normal star ship captain and had a child called Optimus minor. He was sent with a crew to capture a grope of Predacon terrorist and got stuck on earth. Where a battle took place and he killed Cryotek[ War of Beasts 1of 2 ] For the next few y...


A long time ago, Onslaught was an Autobot commander inn charge of the Combaticons special forces team within the elite guard. Then he got fired and his team felt betrayed, so they joined the Decepticons for revenge. Onslaught is a refined commander, having trained for millions of years by the Autobot military as a special operations trooper. It’s believed he the main person who militarised the Decepticon Movement, training Many tacticians with his teachings. He can combine with his teammates to form Bruticus. History: Onslaught was cold constructed during Nominus times, for millions of years he served the Autobot elite guards with his team until they fired them for some reason, in which they joined the Decepticons in retaliation.  During the war he and his team gained the ability to combine into Bruticus during Operation: combination from Banzaitron.  During the ensuring battle against the Autobots, Bruticus cornered some Autobots(and Elita team) With Menasor, but was defeated...


A Opticlone, Nightshot is one of many Decepticons who aren't scourge who shares Optimus primes body-type. Nightshot is one of the more arrogant of Optimus primes clones. He hates the fact he resembles prime, though he finds it useful. He is a very low in Decepticon ranks and is partner in crime with Bloodbath. History: Nightshot was cloned by the Decepticons using Optimus prime DNA before he left Cybertron. Some million years later he was attacking a Backwater planet with Bloodbath and was defeated by Perihelion and her grope and was captured.[ New bodies ] Notes: Nightshot is based of  Scourge  from the  2001 RID cartoon Nightshot shares his bodytype with: Ginrai, Scrounge, Octane, Bigbang, False convoy,  Optimus prime  and Bloodbath  


A veteran of the Guardian-Malignus war, Scrounge apparently was on of the first bots to wear the OP bodytype, well before Optimus, Ginrai and Bigbang, he was one of the closes troops to Cognive. Later he became a Decepticon out of trying to make the world a better place, he acts as an advisor to many Decepticon subleaders and Megatron and always try to encourage them to make better moral decisions. History: Scrounge was built as a super soldier during the Guardian-Malignus war and was friends with Cognive, he Accompanied his general with General Sterofrost when they were attacked by Malignus lead by Shockblast[ Guardian, Malignus and Autobot? ] At some point he met crimson phantom during the war, after the war ended Scrounge became a normal teacher, he investigated some murders personally and found out that they were committed by the Infernocons. At some point he joined the Decepticons and became an Advisor.[ The infernocons return ] During the war he convi...


Motorbreath was a guard and grunt that worked in the Decepticon Protoform facility, where he guarded protoform which would one day become Decepticon soldiers. He apparently wears a mask to hide his terrible breath. He also often mistaken for Toxitron, though he doesn't mind much. He really hates Motormaster though, he also takes part in raising hatchlings as a side job since he works at the place.   History: Motorbreath was cold constructed during the great war, probably in the facility he is assigned to guard. He was giving a tour to Redwing of the facility when they stumbled upon the Opticlone project and were told by Lazerwave about the project before they left[ Opticlone Conspiracy ]  He was seen taking a pod away from the battlefield to save it from autobot clutches. [ Spotlight Dion ] Notes: He shares his bodytype with Grand-scourge, Convoy, Star minor, Ultra Pax, Toxitron, Orion Pax during the war, Optimus primal cybertronian form, and Noisemaze.  


Clench    was once a gladiator with his brother Pyro until his brother fell in love and settled down, leaving clench behind,  Clench   was one of the most  famous gladiators before Megatron and trained many as gladiators.  Clench  life was for the ring, for the slaying of beasts, for martial combat against bots of all kind's. Unlike many who participated or watched the deadly sport, he saw it as a way to show physical power and the authority you could have without being rich. Though he never joined the  Decepticons during his lifetime, his nature rubbed off onto Megatron which not only gave him the warlord Kratocratic ideas but his love to fight and general hostilities. History: Clench was forged with Pyro during the ending days of the Malignus-Guardian wars and was raised by gladiators and became Gladiators themselves. During his career he and Pyro would go out into the Battlefield as the Obliterators for their famous way...