
Clench  was once a gladiator with his brother Pyro until his brother fell in love and settled down, leaving clench behind, Clench  was one of the most famous gladiators before Megatron and trained many as gladiators. 

Clench  life was for the ring, for the slaying of beasts, for martial combat against bots of all kind's. Unlike many who participated or watched the deadly sport, he saw it as a way to show physical power and the authority you could have without being rich.

Though he never joined the Decepticons during his lifetime, his nature rubbed off onto Megatron which not only gave him the warlord Kratocratic ideas but his love to fight and general hostilities.


Clench was forged with Pyro during the ending days of the Malignus-Guardian wars and was raised by gladiators and became Gladiators themselves. During his career he and Pyro would go out into the Battlefield as the Obliterators for their famous way of ending up leaving damage across the arena.

Then his brother Pyro meet a girl during his night off and ran away with her after some time, leaving him alone in the ring, Though he never hated his brother for that. He gained his retirement from the ring from one point and started to train gladiators, many famous, many terrible failures.

At some point he became friends with terminus and agreed to train three of his workers as gladiators, which he told to Megatron as he escaped the mines[Escape of D-16]Once they arrived he started training them as gladiators.

He assumedly changed Megatron's, Banzaitron's and Drixco's bodytype to hide them from the authorities. He was with his students when they had their first fighting match against Hardshell[The three clenches]

It's not well know what happened to Clench after Megatron left the ring, but he assumedly was never seen again, especially after they closed down the gladiatorial ring.




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