

Mixmaster second in command and oldest friend, Scrapper is the most likely candidate to replace Mixmaster if he would die. Though he wouldn't really since he considers Mixmaster his brother in arms.

Scrapper is a brawler type, even before joining the Decepticons he outfitted his hand to have both a flail and a claw.He’s not the girl type or the type to drink much Energex, preferring to build and do his job.

He can combine with his teammates to form Devastator.


Scrapper was cold constructed as a construction class during the early Zeta era and became close friends with Mixmaster. He joined Mixmaster’s personal crew in Tarn and when they joined the Decepticons.

Assumingly during the Great war he got involved in the combiner project along with his teammates. He was seen had having a lunch break with his teammates and Motormaster[Spotlight Grimlock]

He was one of the Many Decepticons to be on the Nemesis to find the Allspark and got stuck on earth.


Long haul is based on the ROTF character of the same name
He shares his bodytype with Boulder, Motorload and Roadblock


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