Blast off

A long time ago, Blast off was an Autobot soldier in charge of the Combaticons special forces team within the elite guard. Then he got fired and his team felt betrayed, so they joined the Decepticons for revenge.

Blast off is the grope’s space battle member, being specially trained and equipped for space battles. Legend said he can accurately kill somebody from the stratosphere of a planet though this is uncertain. He dose love to stay in space, finding it fascinating.

He can combine with his teammates to form Bruticus.


Blast off was cold constructed during Nominus times, for millions of years he served the Autobot elite guards with his team until they fired them for some reason, in which they joined the Decepticons in retaliation. 

During the war he and his team gained the ability to combine into Bruticus during Operation: combination from Banzaitron. During the ensuring battle against the Autobots, Bruticus cornered some Autobots(and Elita team) With Menasor, but was defeated when the enigma created Orthia out of Combining Elita-1's team together[Operation: Combination]

During the war he and his team participated in a battle against Megaempress forces where they combated Megatronia as Bruticus.[Threat of Megaempress]He was one of many to be on the Nemesis and got stuck on earth. Onslaught hugged brawl along with his team as Payload reintroduced the pair to Megatron[Hound and the ww2 transformers]

Along with the Other Combaticons, Blastoff went to Flytrap and Airhammer wedding for his friend Brail[Revenge of Baron Karza]


He's based on G1 Blast off

He shares his bodytype with Movor, Spacewarp and Mindwipe


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