Beta Maxx

A timid bot too meet, Beta Maxx has a problem when it comes to socialising, spending much of his life as a guard on a distant planet, Beta Maxx only recently started exploring the world around him, and unfortunately, at a time when Cosmic horrors run amuck. He totally fine about knowing about such entities though. History: Beta Maxx was forged on Combatron during the great war and spent his life guarding a vault. During the Decepticon raid on the vault he guarded, he was saved from more harm by Brail himself, which started their friendship [ Stellar Oddesey ] He migrated to Cybertron after the great war and was noted to have fought during the Stentarian race during the Andromeda war, which his friendship with Brail grew. He helped Brail in his plan to awaken Atlas and Gaea during the Mogahn crisis. Where he accidently got on the wrong ship and went to awaken Atlas, During that time he experienced a vision of Mogahn's creation by Daiakuron[ Spotlight: Beta Maxx ] he asked some quest...