Amalgamous prime

A member of the Thirteen primes, Amalgamous is most famous for his ability to transform into anything or anyone he can think of. Though considered one of the weaker members of the group, Amalgamous currently guards the core of Cybertron from anything who threatens it.

A bit of a prankster himself, Amalgamous if often considered the first Shifter because of his abilities. He is perhaps the most skilled out of all shifters when it comes to his powers, thankfully, he rarely uses them for any malevolent goal(definitely for Pranking though).

His artefact is the Scythe, a weapon which has a similar power 


Amalgamous Prime was one of the first Cybertronians to be made to combat Unicron. They defeated the chaotic being with the Requiem blaster and the Matrix of Leadership, and for a time there was peace between his brothers.

He voted for the Banishment of his brother Megatronus Prime when he was accused of killing her. After the disbandment of the Thirteen he became the Guardian of the core of Cybertron. He fought in the Mogahn crisis and encourage Adrion to take the matric once it chosen him[The end has come...]


He is of course Amalgamous prime

Amalgamous seems to be able to survive a small blast from Mogahn



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