
Perhaps one of the most powerful entities ever known, The Chronarchitect is responsible for maintaining the time continuum. Able to erase entire timelines with a thought, The Chronarchitect main goal is to maintain the stability of all the Multiverses in his domain.

He’s also known as the ruler of time and space.


Created during the dawn of Quantum time, The Chronarchitect was one of the earliest entities to be brought into existence, even predating the entities born in the old realms by a innumerable amount of time, even by entities like Mogahn and Physis, who predate beings such as Unicron.

He was mentioned in Vector Primes book about Multiversal travel[A guide to the Multiverse]Throughout the Mogahn crisis he battled him on a plane which Brail using the Rhisling could see, he also trapped Mogahn's herald[The end has come...]

He also revered the damage done by cy-kill plot, before sending the Gobots to a new universe, making it seem the event never happened, while also imprisoning both Cy-kill and Fitor for their crimes[Transformers V Gobots]

He told Baron Karza to quiet down after the latter kept on monologuing[Stellar Oddesey]He was mentioned in "The cosmic Continuum" Baron Karza wrote[The Cosmic Continuum]


He’s based on BWN Chronarchitect

Though previously believe to regulate more then +1200 Multiversal clusters, The Chronarchitect seems to control more then +10,000 Multiversal clusters.


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