Dier Wraiths

The main enemies of the space knights, the Dier wraiths are an alien race of shift shaping magic users who infect other organic organism to transform them into other Wraiths. Being born out of the survivors of the Antalia war during the Guardian era. Now with conquest in their mind, the Dier wraiths have secretly made an empire of their own, even at some point have taken over Elonia, though their now near extinct, most Dier wraiths still want to complete that ancient goal. For some reason, a high proportion of their mass is made out of traces of Dark energon, not good. History: The Dier wraiths were created as a side effect of activating the Talisman, a last ditch superweapon used on their Cybertronian invaders. The Survivors of the weapon, from Antalians to trees, were warped with the power of arcane energy and Dark energon into the Dier wraiths. They regrouped under the leadership of the Presence, who took them to a world in the Dark nebula. Over hundreds of Million...