The wife of Bigblue and mother of Big convoy and Ultra Mammoth, Stellito acts like an advisor to her husband and helps him do the more, less active of her job. Stellito has much political knowledge, which helps her and her spouse with the Cybertronian senate. She’s also a good swords-bot. History: Stellito was forged on Eukaris During the early Zeta prime era but raised as an Autobot. When Bigblue was stationed on Eukaris she started a relationship with him. She was at his base of operation when she told them that Sentinel was assassinated by showing a newspaper [ Trukk and Monky ] After the war she and Bigblue raised the bots who became Big convoy and Ultra Mammoth. She was mentioned when Big convoy was reflecting his heritage with Lio prime and Kappa convoy [ Neo beasts 2 of 3 ] Notes: She’s based on BW Stellito