
A Lax bot who seems much of the time relaxed even when many others aren't meant to be, Vibes can be chilled in most situations she’s in. Even during times of great stress she can keep a cool head, and that quality makes her likable by many of her peers.

She’ compared to Jazz many times.


Vibes was forged During early Nominus Prime times, She was seen in a café in Vos while Scrounge watched the news about a murder that interested him[The Infernocons return]
During the great was she, along with Novastar and Perihelion were doing a patrol when Hyperdrive was injured and they took her and her friends to their base[spotlight Hyperdrive]


She’s based on G1 Vibes

She shares her bodytype with: Arcee, Nicee, Nightracer, Hyperdrives first body, Tailgate, Lifeline, Pandron medics, Minerva, Nightbeat, Arial, Alata, Aquanaught, Aquablast, Hydradread, Drench, and many more to count.


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