
A bot roped into the great war when the Decepticons tried to conquer her planet, Riptide is a little inexperience when it come to conflict, even though she stayed at home. Though gullible at times, Riptide is very calculated, befitting of her job as a lawyer.

She’s old friends with the Ultracon Octopunch.


Riptide was forged on Aquatron During the Sentinel era and became a Lawyer, She was childhood friends with Octopunch and was quite sad when he left for Cybertron. When the Ultracons tried to invade Aquatron She allied with the Autobots and help defend her home.

She was doing a perimeter post battle when she met her old friend, who deserted the Ultracons and told her what happened to him when he left before she had to arrest him when Seaspray arrived[Spotlight Octopunch]


She’s based on G1 Riptide

She shares her Bodytype with Marinemaster, Triton and Seawatch



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