
A Scientist believed to be as smart as Perceptor, Reptilion is a rather unusual individual from the Decepticon Science division, unlike every other Decepticon Scientist, Reptilion studies what his peers would describe as abnormal aspects of reality, and he experiments with these abnormal aspects quite often

This has allowed him to develop unusual technology which is strange by even Cybertronian standards, including quite a few which can temporally block outlier abilities to even inducing artificial outlier abilities, amongst many other strange contraptions

He's also a rather noted scolar on top of all this


Reptilion was created during the Zeta Prime era and joied the Decepticons at somepoint, during his tenure he studied many phenominum which were considered abnormal, which lead to him creating stuff like outlier anchors and power keys


He's based on Universe Reptilion

He shares his bodytype with Cannibaron


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