
A well known Predacon politician from the planet Eukaris, Skyshadow Is a very likable bot, Charming and ingratiating, Sky Shadow maneuvers his way up Eukaris society to make himself an elder statesman, a rather popular, well-spoken bot of the people.

How he did this though Is quite controversial to some bots, Though liked by his consetutes, Skyshadow is believed by his haters to had his own fair share of double crossing and backstabbing to get to where he is today, if that's true or not is debatable.

He resembles a certain Blentron.


Skyshadow was forged on the planet Eukaris around the time of the great war and worked his way up in Eukaris society to become a well known politician and elder statesman. He was mentioned by Injector while spying on the Maximals.

Though as a comparison on how he rather listen to one of his political speeches then spy on said Maximals[Spotlight: Rhinox]


He's based on BW Skyshadow

He shares his bodytype with Drancron


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