
A member of the Infernocus squadron, Skullrupture probably loves his old job the most out of his peers. Though far from a sadist, he took his job as an executioner seriously, to the extent that some Decepticons are confused of why he isn't apart of the DJD.

He can combine with his teammates to form Infernocus


Skullrupture was forged during the Sentinel prime era and was put in the Infernocus squadron during the great war and at somepoint got the ability to combine into infernocus during Operation combination.

After the death penalty was abolished he and the Infernocus squadron became a catering group and helped in parties, including helping in Flytrap and Airhammer wedding, though what he exactly did is unknown(probably server)[Revenge of Baron Karza]


He's based on TLK Rupture

He shares his bodytype with Shadowhawk



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