
A member of the DJD, Kaon is the groups communications officer. Responsible for the creation of the groups hitlist, Kaon rare dead looking Optics puts the chills in nearly everybody she meets. Despite this she can get a bit excited a times, though usually when she torturing and executing people.

But no, She doesn't turn into a chair, Don't give her that idea either, I warn you!


Kaon was cold constructed during the late Zeta prime era and Joined the Decepticons. During the great war she was put together with Tarn and some other Decepticons to form the DJD, over time adding and editing the list that they used to identify enemies to execute.

After the great war she and the DJD became criminals and evaded the current Decepticons, When Deathplay went to kill the DJD, He spared her and Nickel, and she was sent to Garrus 9, where she had a brief conversation with soundwave before he left[End of the DJD]


She's based on IDW Kaon

She shares her bodytype with pre-earth Soundwave 


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