
If their one thing Skyhopper is obsessed about, It's fire, yes fire! She's fascinated about the Philosophy and symbolism of fire from how purifies and transmutes, As well as how it can be used for destruction and creation, as well as it can pave way to life.

However, She often likes to burn things because of this.


Skyhopper was forged during the late Sentinel Prime era and joined the Seekers, During the great war she would upgrade her alt-mode for the long wing variant. At somepoint she was on guard duty with Skyhopper when Deluge came to use the spacebridge to go to the Nemesis[Spotlight: Deluge]


She's based on G1 Skyhopper

She shares her bodytype with, Doomwings, Flinch, Flashwing, Chemtrial, Blaststorm, Lunarwing, Cloudcover, Autoclave, Ionstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Bitstream, Hotlinks, Nacelle, Balewing, Wheezing Arrow, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Thundercracker, Slipstream, Redwing, Skywarp, Starscream and Itami


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