
A special super-soldier created by the Decepticons, Leapers were created to be a Battalion destroying force, or their meant two. Though formidable in combat, their back is their main weakness(either by design flaw, or by choice) which can kill them is hit hard enough.

Their also pretty big.


Leapers, or Decepticon leapers as their referred to, were a bodytype created by several Decepticons to be a Autobot destroying weapon, and an answer to the Autobot heavy trooper. During the battle of Aquatron on was killed by Pincher, though others captured him and Seawatch[Battle of Aquatron]

They were seen when Sharpedge was going to the bridge off Violengiguar fleet[The Confrentation]they were also compared to Blast-X, as they both shared the same bodytype[Revenge of Baron Karza]


Their based on the WFC Leapers

They share their bodytype with Blast-X


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