
The older sister of the Rainmaker trio, Blaststorm was the original bot who created the Rainmaker Tetrajet variant. Though a bit bloodthirsty on the battlefield, Her true passion is designing new vehicles for the Decepticons.

She also wears one of those cone helmets, as she currently apart of the conehead division.


Blaststorm was forged on Combatron along with her three younger sisters during the Zeta Prime era and migrated to Cybertron where they joined the seekers. During the war she was involved in trying to find some Autobots when she spotted a small scouting party.

She tried to apprehend them, but even with Vreditel help she was thwarted by Dropshot, who shot her out of the air, and needed to be healed by Lunarwing[The Escape]After the war she married Skywarp and along with her daughter Bluebolt went to Flytrap and Airhammer wedding[Revenge of Baron Karza]


Though she sounds like an OC, she's actually G1 G1 Blast given a longer name due to personal reasons

She shares her bodytype with, Doomwings, Flinch, Flashwing, Skyhopper, Chemtrail, Lunarwing, Cloudcover, Autoclave, Ionstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Bitstream, Hotlinks, Nacelle, Balewing, Wheezing Arrow, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Thundercracker, Slipstream, Redwing, Skywarp, Starscream and Itami


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