
A Predacon loyal to Ghawnsteeth, Sandspear is often mistaken for their Decepticon ally Scorponok. Though often seen as dumb, Sandspear is also the Second In command of Ghawnsteeth crew after he took it over from Cryotek, which is saying something.

He also has a drone called a Cyberbee


Sandspear was forged on Eukaris and was a part of Cryotek Predacon crime syndicate, he was one of many Predacons on the Predica ship when it crashed on earth while being pursued by the Axalon. After Ghawnsteeth came into power he became the bot second in command.

He was with Manterror and Jetstorm when they got into a fight with Tenndryl while tracking the Maximals on the Inhumanoids land of Lemuria[Spotlight: Botanica]


He’s based on BW Scorponok, but uses ROTB Sandspear name

He shares his bodytype with Scorpia, Scorponok and Doublepunch


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