A loyal member of ASP, Hyi’draa(pronounced Hydra) is one of the few agents they have which uses a transactor. Using his Seeker based Transactor to further ASP agendas, Hyi’draa himself is interested in the Cybertronian race, however he’s very untrustworthy of Straxus.
He’s also has a rivalry with Lightfoot.
Born sometime in the 70s, Hyi’draa was recruited by ASP on a very early age and was one of their first humans to be bonded to a Transactor, being one that was based of a seeker. While on various missions he developed a rivarlly with the Acanoth agent Lightfoot.
He was about to kill Lightfoot at one point before he was saved by a passing Greatshot, who later dealt with Straxus, who was behind the technology placement on earth[Holiday battles]
He’s based on G1 Hydra
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