Nemesis Primal

One of Unicron many Heralds, Nemesis Primal is one of the more emotionless ones. Relying on his supernatural powers more then other Heralds, Nemesis Primal is one of the few Heralds who actually enjoys the destruction of planets and Universes.

He dose awfully look like Optimus Primal


Nemesis Primal was created by Unicron in the distant past as one of his first creations, and in universes where Unicron was still active would assist in his master destruction of worlds. However when he came to the main Universe he was defeated sometime in the past.

Ciklon and Ostor eventually founded him and healed him before he participated in the Blentron invasion of Cybertron[Journey of Megacron]What happened to him afterwards is unknown.


He’s based on G1 Nemesis Primal


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