
A member of Greatcannon squad of Decepticon soldiers, Leyland is Greatcannon second in command. While he usually silent most of the time, he is regularly seen talking with his commander, which leads his other teammates to tease him about liking Greatcannon.

He can combine with his teammates to form Battlegaia


Leyland was cold constructed during the early Zeta prime era and was a member of the military before he defected to the Decepticons, at somepoint during the great war he joined Greatcannon squad of Decepticons, and later got the ability to combine to form Battlegaia.

He was with his teammates during the battle of Vos when he shot the Autobot Scorn in the arm, he later combined with them to form Battlegaia[Spotlight Scorn]


He’s based on G1 Leyland

He shares his bodytype with Brail, Treadrook, Rollbar and Roadfire



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