
Though being a member of the seekers, Cloudcover definitely breaks the stereotype the seekers have earned over the years, while a skilled flyer like the rest, Cloudcover is a shy and timid individual who has few friends just because she is too shy to make them.

She also uses toxic ammunition, whatever that means.


Cloudcover was cold-constructed during the great war and during her youth was friends with Pyton and talon. She fought during the battle of Vos against Scorn and Scarr[Spotlight Scorn]She eventually became a seeker and at somepoint she was stationed on Charr.

She was having Lunch with Pyton and Talon when Darknova attacked the planet[Attack on Charr]


She’s based on G2 Cloudcover 

She shares her bodytype with, Doomwings, Flinch, Flashwing, Skyhopper, Blaststorm, Lunarwing, Chemtrail, Autoclave, Ionstorm, Acidstorm, Novastorm, Bitstream, Hotlinks, Nacelle, Balewing, Wheezing Arrow, Guyhawk, Hellbat, Thundercracker, Slipstream, Redwing, Skywarp, Starscream and Itami


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