
The servants of Exarchon, the Rambles were a race of Cybertronian-like aliens who evolved within Mogahn remains. Being enslaved by Exarchon in their early history, The Rambles are his slave army which he used to conquer entire galaxies.

Unlike Exarchon, most don’t like their job, and are quite peaceful.


The Rambles were created by the Hunger stone out of the metal bones of Mogahn husk. Early in their history, they were enslaved by Exarchon and turned into a slave army which he used to conquer several galaxies as he tried to get home.

Three Battalions of Rambles assisted Exarchon in the(attempted) conquest of the Milky way, however when Exarchon was killed they were free and decided to leave the Milky way and return to their home galaxy[The Threefold spark]


Their based on the Cybertron Scrapmetal



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