
The mysterious leader of the Micronauts, Pharoid(or he prefers “Oz Rael”) is a being who is little understood. While his goal is to liberate Microspace from Karza. Much of his backstory is unknown, and he wants to keep it that way.

He can also turn into a living Sarcophagus.


Pharoid first appeared in Microspace some 9000 years ago, though there are few details on him, Pharoid used to work as a space captain until he started a rebellion against Baron Karza, and while the first one wasn’t successful, he didn’t give up.

He assembled a new crew, Consisting of Acroyear, Larissa and Phenolo-Phi, along with his many androids, resisted Karza in a second wave of Rebellion, this time more successful. He was mentioned in "The cosmic Continuum" Baron Karza wrote[The Cosmic Continuum]


He’s named after IDW Oz Rael, but the concept of him is different.



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