
A bot who loves mystery, Nightbeat is an unofficial detective within the Autobot ranks. Though never apart of the police force, Nightbeat can(and has) rivalled many Detectives in her skill, so much so that when a Mystery is need of solving, High command usually chose her.

Her determination, however got her in more trouble then she can count.


Nightbeat was forged in the late Sentinel era and became her own private detective, During the war she would help solve mysteries for high command. Which has led to several Decepticon spies being snuffed out, amongst other things.

She was seen talking to Tinyarms and Paddles about the Guardian era[Crash on Chicxulania]


She’s based on a fusion of G1 Nightbeat and Animated Nightbeat

She shares her bodytype with: Arcee, Nicee, Nightracer, Hyperdrives first body, Lifeline, Vibes, Pandron medics, Minerva, Tailgate, Arial, Alata, Aquanaught, Aquablast, Hydradread, Drench, and many more to count.


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