
Though the few beings who knows of his existence refer to him as the creation who could create, This early creation true name is Daiakuron the concept forger. The creator of Primus and his kin(including Mogahn), Daiakuron is a being they have a hard time knowing.

A timid entity, Daiakuron was created before the concept of time existed, back when the first omniverse was young. Daiakuron is a being so abstract that the only creation to fully know his name is perhaps the first of them, Mogahn himself.

He believed to live in the void of creation.


Daiakuron was created before the concept of time in the Omniverse existed. Being remembered as the creation who could create, Daiakuron first creation was the malevolent entity called Mogahn, followed by Atlas, Gaea, D-zodiac, Unicron and finally Primus.

During the Ark and Nemesis journey he abducted both Sureshot(to show him how a multiverse can be made) and Overkill(to show him how he runs the narrative, by taking them out of their universe[Stellar Oddesey]

He was mentioned by Unicron while Megatron was possessed by him, and was mentioned by Primus during his conversation with a dead Megatron about Mogahn the mass[Journey of Megacron]

A vision of him creating Mogahn at the dawn of time was experienced by Beta Maxx, and Mogahn remembered his creator during his assault on creation[Spotlight: Beta MaxxHe was referenced several times during Mogahn attack on creation[The end has come...]


He’s named after G1 Daiakuron

He is responsible for creating:

Mogahn: Hunger and desire
Atlas: Peace
Gaea: Justice
D-zodiac: war and conflict
Unicron: Chaos
Primus: Order


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