Alchemist prime

A member of the Thirteen primes, Alchemist prime was always fascinated by the nature of the Universe. Though far from a scientist, Alchemist prime could rearrange matter on a subatomic level, which he often used to create nearly anything he wanted.

Often the most jovial of his siblings, Alchemist was a being nearly everybody liked. He didn’t like when his siblings fought with each other. And would rather have them do something else, such as drink his most signature creation,  the delicious Energex !

His artefact is the lens, which allows him to see the future amongst other things.


Alchemist Prime was one of the first Cybertronians to be made to combat Unicron. They defeated the chaotic being with the Requiem blaster and the Matrix of Leadership, and for a time there was peace between his brothers.

He voted for the Banishment of his brother Megatronus Prime when he was accused of killing her. It’s unknown what happened to him after the Disbandment of the Thirteen primes though.

He was mentioned by Logos prime before he first met Skyquake[Terror in the skies!]


He is of course Alchemist prime



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