Space knights

A special organisation within the Solstar order, The space knights were formed to deal with the threat of the Dier wraiths. Dedicated to keeping them at bay. The group is criticized for how they treat the wraiths, sometimes being called speciests.

One thing which all Spaceknights have in common are their armours, made out of a rare ore not found much where else. This suit protects them from the Dier wraiths power to infect people. They also have Neutralizes, which are designed to kill wraiths instantly.

There are some Spaceknights which aren’t like their brethren, such as Rom and Plor, who are less radical in how they treat they wraiths.


The Spaceknights were set up to counter the Dier wraith invasion of the Solstar order, being formed after the discovery of a strange ore which protected them from the wraiths. Founded by Orphion and its earliest members being Rom and Livia, they fought back.

They eventually pushed them back to their adopted Home-world, where the Spaceknights destroyed. Over the decades they built up their numbers, Becoming more advance so they can get rid of their new enemy. They started to be criticised for some of their practises.

At somepoint they found out about the Cybertronian civil war, sometime after they founded a young protoform on Elonia(which they named Stardrive). Stardrive was the only Cybertronian member of the group, but left after realising that they were lying to them.

A group of Spaceknights under Plor’s command went to Prysmos to deal with some wraiths, and eventually killed Xeldynn. A single member, Rom, travelled to earth to deal with the Wraith threat their, learning more about earth.

Orphion and Livia came at somepoint to earth, while they originally wanted to destroy the planet to combat the threat of the wraiths(as well as it was a cybertronian world to them) they were convinced by Rom not to, and they ended up fighting(and losing) to a Unicron-possessed Presence.

The Spaceknights also fought against Macabre, who used Metrotitan to try and reconquer Elonia, however he was stopped by them and Emissary.


Though the Space knights have their own insignia based of Rom's face, this wiki would use their other insignia, being that of the Solstar order.


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