
A member of the Star seekers, rockhopper is considered the muscle of the group. Caring only about a good fight, the only reason why he’s even a member of the group is because Thundertron promised him that there will be lots of fights if he joined him.

He has a strange combination alt-modes for his bodytype, a crane and a jet.


Rockhopper was forged on Vespa II during the great war and at somepoint recruited by Thundertron to join his band of Star seekers. After capturing Movor, he and Cannonball escorted him to and from his cell during his time in the Star seekers containment[Star seekers V Commandos]


He’s named after Wings universe Rockhopper

He shares his Bodytype with: Doomshot, Feverdream, Dobledealer, Blitzwing, Flywheels, Skytread, Flyhigh, Scrash and Dobleclouder



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