


A military division of the US, G.I.Joe is a special mission force built for what normal soldiers could not. Though not formed for this reason, G.I.Joe is perhaps the major group fighting the ancient organisation known as Cobra, dedicated to defeating it.

One day, they may become an international protection organisation.


G.I.Joe was formed as an US division by Joe Colton for what he perceived was a threat of the Intruder empire(though he didn’t tell anybody else that this was the reason) building up it’s numbers over the decades, it became a well experienced special ops group.

During the late 1990s It started a secret campaign with the villainous organisation known as Cobra(after they threatened the world with their creeper bomb).The campaign was led by a G.I.Joe unit led by Duke, though other teams also fought Cobra.

Though their success faltered by the rise of Serpentor, who himself led a (more successful) campaign for world domination. They really began driving the Cobra organisation to extinction once Cobra commander came back in charge.

The Joes also defeated the Intruders around the time Cobra went into hiding, and after dealing with the extra-terrestrial threat, took their technology and reverse engineer it, becoming more advance then before. Around 940 years later, they became an international organisation.

Though initially hostile to the arrival of Big convoy’s group, they eventually left them alone to deal with their criminals.



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