Darkling lords

Formed from the schism of the Visionaries of Prysmos, The Darkling lords desire to rule Prysmos within the new age of magic. Led by their power hungry(but merciful) founder Darkstorm. The Darkling lords uses the powers granted to them by Merklynn to achieve their goal.

The only one’s stopping them are the Spectral knights.


The Darkling lords were formed from the Schism of the Visionaries, being composed of the schismatic followers of Darkstorm. In response to this, all those still loyal to Leoric banded together and formed the Spectral knights.

They fought the Spectral knights over the years as they stood in the way of their desired conquests. At somepoint Darkstorm made an alliance with the Dier wraiths under Xeldynn and the Darkling lords help them to raid Merklynn’s fortress.

However when Darkstorm was killed by Merklynn they broke their alliance and allied with their enemies to kill Xeldynn. The later went under Virulina command.




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