
A member of the Star seekers, Cannonball loves being a pirate. A ruthless bot in his goal, his dedication would be great for Thundertron if only his second in command didn’t want to be only the greatest pirate that the galaxy  has ever seen.

He even outlasted his captain.


Cannonball was cold constructed on an unknown colony world and was recruited by Thundertron to join his band of Star seekers. He was next to Thundertron when they first encountered the crew Ark and the Nemesis[Stellar Oddesey]

At somepoint he became Thundertron’s second in command. After finding Movor, he and rockhopper to him to Thundertron and back to his cell[Star seekers V Commandos]


He’s based on G1 Cannonball

He shares his bodytype with Ambulon, Camshaft, Loader, Flipsides, Exocet and Roadmaster 


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